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Cognitive and Behavioral 神经科学

Cognitive and Behavioral 神经科学 focuses on thought processes in humans. 学生 majoring in Cognitive 神经科学 will explore a wide array of topics including sensory and motor systems, 学习, 内存, 决策, 语言, 睡眠, 情绪, awareness and attention, 和其他人. Courses will introduce students to biological substrates underlying cognition ranging from genes to complex circuits. Additional courses illuminate the role of 神经科学 in social interactions and Society. This major prepares students for graduate studies in Cognitive 神经科学 or 心理学 as well as many professional careers. Each student will complete a discussion based senior seminar class.


  • Clinical Psychologist*
  • 法学院*
  • 商业与金融
  • 公共卫生
  • 遗传咨询*

*an advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s is likely required